There are usually three types of clients.
- Those who are going in the direction they want, yet are running into obstacles.
- Those who know where they want to go, yet don’t know how to get there.
- Those who have no idea where they want to go, yet its time for something new.
The Wayfinder will provide for any style of client that you may be. The following range of Individual Services are designed to meet you in your needs, explicate your goals, and provide the most effective and creative means to instill success.
Regardless of your history, desires, and situation James will be able to provide precise personalized direction for movement along your way. If you are unclear what program might be best for you, simply contact James to discuss options.
The Quick and Simple
A short, highly focused, coach-counsel session aimed at providing you with specific insights, information, and resources to assist you in moving forward on exactly what you are showing up with.
Our relationship is established quickly and is primarily directed by thorough and deliberate banter to provide you with succinct action steps in a short period of time. We only dig into your situation as far as we can go per session, no carry over expected. No follow-up is provided.
- Suggestions are made in how to move ahead yet no formal practices or programs are created
- Can be a one off session or linked together, yet considered unique and stand-alone with no continuity purposefully held
- The scope of what is provided is based on how much you what to obtain
- We go where you want to go based on what you show up with
- Can be booked on very short notice, sometimes for the same day
- Industry standard 50min hour long session
- Phone or Skype only
Integral Counsel Session
When you require a safe and dynamic space to explore ideas, push boundaries, test edges, make linkages, and gain perspective, an Integral Counsel Session will be of benefit to you. Through an Integral lens any and all thoughts and territories can be examined and discussed.
We’ll meet in complete trust, integrity, and security, such that you’ll gain the counsel you require to make an informed and embodied decision. This is a longer session than The Quick and Simple that takes into account the larger scope of what you are presenting, with a further emphasis on relational connection.
Benefits of a counsel session include:
- Explore and work with your ideas in new ways
- Feel comfortable expressing your self in whatever manner will enhance your exploration
- Gain insights from various unique facets that an Integral approach provides
- Receive challenge and support in a manner that promotes and enhances your own process
- Ask whatever questions you haven’t been able to ask before
- Obtain clear discerning feedback about what you are presenting
An Integral Counsel Session session is not therapy or coaching. A counsel session works with what you bring to the table to offer you new ways to comprehend what you’re working on. I’ll provide you with firm ground to stand on and a solid container to press against, as you step into your winds of change, your crucible of creation.
- A good style of session for those who want to establish a longer term relationship, or who have been involved in a coaching program at one time and want to continue to meet
- We can dig in based on longer term context of our relationship, meaning I’ll take into account our previous sessions
- No follow-up is provided
- Suggestions are made in how to move ahead yet no formal practices or programs are provided, though we may come up with some for you to move forward with
- Phone, Skype, in person
- Session time length 1-1.5 hours
Condensed Coaching Program
This is a stand-alone two-part program designed to give you what you need to start working on your own development. A program is designed consisting of specific education, insights, practices, and techniques that you will use to guide your own process.
This format works well for people who:
- Don’t have time for a full coaching program
- Prefer to work on their own
- Are working on something small and specific
- Don’t require support in their development, just need some guidance
- Want to try out coaching before they commit to a full program
- Do not have the money to invest in a full coaching program
- Phone, Skype, in person
- Two 1.5-2h long sessions
Comprehensive Coaching Program
This is the most sophisticated professional coaching application on the market. Found world-wide, cross-culturally, in all sectors of society the classic Integral Coaching® design uses a format that is based on a vast scope of methodological rigor and the depth of practitioner embodiment. This well researched design supports, holds, and encourages you in your development, while consistently drawing you into an enticing new way of being. An extensively individualized program leading you through a comprehensive process determined by exactly what you want to achieve.
A Comprehensive Coaching Program is designed based on your current situation – what you want to achieve – deepened as a workable topic with specific measurable objectives. The program is consistently calibrated to maximize your growth over a specific time period.
This style of program benefits three types of people:
- Those who know exactly what they want to achieve yet don’t know how to get there
- Those who are running into challenges in what they are attempting to achieve
- Those who know something needs to change, yet are unclear what and how exactly to accomplish that
The usual program format is:
- We meet once every two to three weeks
- Exact program length will vary depending on what you wish to accomplish
- We collaboratively establish specific objectives to measure the outcomes of your program
- Regular practices are designed to build the capacities you’ll require to start moving towards your goals
- Your commitment is paramount to the success of your program
- First two sessions regularly 1.5-2h in length
- Subsequent sessions 1-1.5h in length
- Phone, Skype, in person
Integral Life Practice Design
The ultimate in evolutionary cross-training, the patented Integral Life Practice (ILP) design is the most all-inclusive platform for personal growth available. Through a conscientious review of your personal motivations and ambitions a unique ILP program is designed specifically for you.
- How do you live a conscious life in the 21st century with so much going on?
- How do you develop the capacities necessary to open up to larger possibilities (for yourself and the world), while staying in touch with those you love, while being able to comprehend the ever-expanding and increasingly complex world-space that you find your self in?
- How do you have a good relationship, make money, stay in shape, and be available to experience something greater than yourself?
The answer – with an Integral Life Practice.
With access to an abundant array of domains including physical fitness, diet, emotional intelligence, shadow work, spirituality, relationship work, sexual intimacy, ethics, cognitive development, conscious parenting, artistic expression, subtle body development, systems integration, right livelihood, community service, worldview expansion, communication skills, and much more - the design of your ILP will take into account where you currently are in your life, what you want to achieve, and how you desire to get there.
This dynamic design will provide you with a progressive pathway to a more fulfilling life of conscious practice, and a more enjoyable way to participate with existence.
You will walk away with a program and plan in how to start working within the domains of a Life Practice that are important to you, the knowledge in how to measure and feel your progress, and the insights in how to continue to ever increasing levels of possibility.
- Two 2 hour sessions
- Phone, Skype, in person
Solo Retreat
When you need to get away to do some deep personal work, a Solo Retreat is exactly what you are looking for. Based on what you desire to achieve, where you need to go in your life, I’ll create a Solo Retreat that will take you into the heart of who you are. The scope of this retreat is definitely crafted to meet your needs. Silence, provocation, enjoyment, shadow-work, conversation, physical challenge, relaxation, meditation, laughter, collaboration, emotional work, fun, peace, chaos – all of this and more is possible.
The creative arc of your Solo Retreat is determined by what you need next for your life. Definitely not a holiday, a Solo Retreat contains the strong focus of opening, evolving, moving deeper into what you want to work on, who you wish to become. The time length and location will vary depending on what you are looking for.
- A couple of days in a cabin off the west coast of Puget Sound
- A week in the open skies of the Mojave desert
- Four days within the hidden terrains of Central Park NYC
- Two weeks of solitude under a palapa in Fiji
- Ten life-changing days in Calcutta, India
- Maybe a weekend to disappear at the Holiday Inn in Saskatoon
Where we go and what we do is based on what you want to achieve and the scope of your budget. In a Solo Retreat bigger is not better. All of this can also happen locally right where you live. What reigns supreme in a Solo Retreat is access to what you need in order to consummate what is next for you.
As your guide I am actively involved in ensuring you are met in manner that will serve you to the deepest and fullest in your retreat. Consider what you need right now to turn the page into the next chapter of your life. Connect with me, I’ll offer some ideas for a Solo Retreat, and we’ll take it from there.
Cracking Your Code
We all have a limit. Often we live, work, and play within the safe realms of that limit. That is a wise and healthy thing to do. Sometimes however, in order to touch into and taste what’s beyond we need to go beyond our limits, push ourselves to that next space, that next level of our lives.
Trouble is, we can get to the point that HOW we go about pushing our limits is actually not working for us any more. Even though we might turn up the volume, we end up using the same techniques over and over again. We might try to think out of the box to challenge ourselves, yet we still are seeing the box in a particular way – the way we always do. Just the fact that you believe you have to think out of the box IS the indicator that you are ready for more. Getting out of the box is just the starting point.
Cracking Your Code is a means to radically shift your current way of comprehension and creation. This 48h state experience is designed to crack the code of your regular way of knowing your limits. Based within the practices and rituals of shamanic and yogic ceremony this two-day process will heat you up to the point of discovering how you place limits on your limits. This process is not for the faint of heart, body, or mind. A thorough assessment and preparation process is necessary in order to participate.
If you are ready to start working with your own limits in a new way, in an unprecedented manner, with a style that swallows the box – then it might be time to Crack Your Code.
Profound Edge Weekend Adventure
Instead of trying to figure out “what’s next for myself”, “what’s important to me”, or “where do I really want to go” – you can have an adventure to discover it! You can step into a space that is not your own to discover the awaiting profoundness of your life.
The Profound Edge Weekend takes you into the unknowns of your inside world, by making you show up on the outside. What drives your choices, your insights, your motivations will all be examined. The way you move, the way you relate, the way you comprehend will be shown to you. What is important in your life and in your self will become much more apparent, and much more available to you.
Each Profound Edge Weekend is uniquely personally designed. Like walking into your own “Choose Your Own Adventure” movie you will run into all styles and sorts of possibilities and experiences. The weekend is created to assist you in discovering what is profound for you, as well as why you have not known it or claimed it yet. An initial pre-assessment is completed in order to determine if this adventure is really what would be of most benefit to you. If so, then possible dates will be discussed. Following that, weeks in advance of the actual weekend, you will be brought through a thorough assessment to discuss what you wish to gain from the adventure, and to also determine what you honestly need to achieve over the weekend. Every aspect of your life is accounted for, no area of life is taboo.
You will be challenged. You will be pushed. You will shake your head in disbelief. On the other side of your Profound Edge Weekend you will be stretched – and – you will be happy to know your profound self that much more.
The initial foundation cost of the Profound Edge Weekend Adventure is $12,000 + expenses. After your personal assessment is complete a more exact budget will be offered for your review.
Personal Consortium
Do you need a team on your side? Would you benefit from having a dedicated group of people who are completely looking out for your best interest and the bounty of your future? Come on – would that not be great!? Who wouldn’t want that!?
Personal Consortiums are created to assist individuals in getting established in their next level of personal expression. This is not a concierge, personal assistant, or support service – this is a team dedicated to making YOU happen. Based on what you need to move into the next echelon of your life I cohere the right group of people for your success. As “your consortium” we meet regularly and cross-create a program of development and empowerment that you will never have experienced before. Imagine a group of professionals working together to continually ensure you are getting what you need to reach and stand firm on new ground in your life. This is the opulence and power of having your own Personal Consortium.
Your consortium may consist of any number of people within very specific roles. Two, five, twelve, twenty, the number of members and the scope of their roles all depends on what you want to accomplish. Nutritionists, psychologists, architects, artists, massage therapists, zen masters, entrepreneurs, counsellors, lawyers, yogis, web designers, acupuncturists, spiritual advisors, accountants, shamans, educators, philosophers, psychotherapists, athletic trainers, my rolodex is vast and its available for you – for your Personal Consortium.
While you will have contact with your entire consortium, all members work directly through me, and I facilitate the over-arching progress in your program. An estimated time length of program and use of each member will be determined once you and I establish the scope of your needs. An initial budget will be offered to you with rate-for-service variations provided.
Personal Consortiums are always established for a specific focus – a goal you want to achieve, a project you are working on, a state of being that you want to get to. Your progress will be constantly monitored and program adaptations made when necessary. As you reach success your Personal Consortium will gracefully fade into the background and you will be standing secure and stable on the ground of your potent Now.