Simple is Difficult
Straight roads and clear choices are no longer part of our lives on this planet.
The simple life is difficult. Happiness involves effort. Success demands surrender. Any satisfying life in the 21st century requires you to venture outside your comfort zone and beyond your comprehension.
Really. Have you not noticed?
While there are many ways to soothe, assuage, and ease the tensions within your life – and these are valid for periodic easement – any fuller sense of satisfaction does ask you to at least put your toes into the cold water of reality. There is an actual tension to existence that is necessary to be with for claiming more of reality. There are, however, so many distractions these days. Waking up and taking notice is more challenging than it used to be.
Realities Are Shifting
For the first time in history the maxim “know thyself” is not enough.
The edges of your reality are constantly shifting, and the truth of your integrity is consistently challenged. To make an impact, inspire others, or create significance necessitates you to know your self, others, and the world in evermore profound ways.
You may not actually be able to notice it yourself, yet you are a very different person than you were five years ago. Probably even over the last year, more has happened to you and within you than your ancestors experienced in their whole lives. Life on planet Earth is moving quicker – yet, what is all this that you are coming face to face with? How much is your responsibility, what is not? Where does your reality end and another’s begin? While you are capable of handling this pace of existence, sometimes its quite hard to make meaning of these shifting realities you find yourself in; not to mention how to authentically act with all that is pressing in upon you.
Living In A Fog
We live in a swamp of potentiality and abundance, that both enhances and drowns our sense of meaning and our capacity for action.
Our creativity, intelligence, and power is easily hampered by the vastness of complexity, the fog of unknowing, or by a yearning we can’t quite handle.
Admit it – you have more choices than you know what to do with. At times this can feel like freedom, a great opening to fulfillment. At other times, the constant constant constant abundance of choice is overwhelming. “Freedom” is suddenly a burden within which confusion feels offensive instead of simple uncertainty. Gratitude and grief are somehow found in every bite. Thankfulness and doubt are two sides of the same coin. And, your capacity for clear choice, action, and completion seems less and less available and true.
Finding Your Way
Capturing the essence of what’s important to you and then shaping it into actuality is essential for the realization of your life.
Ahead of you may be an arduous journey, or a simple perception that’s just out of your grasp. While there is definitely immense bounty and beauty awaiting you – finding your way there can be a bewildering struggle. It’s no longer just about becoming physically healthier, or mentally smarter, or having an open heart, or believing in something greater than yourself. One vitamin no longer provides the nutrients you need, and most multi-vitamins seem flaky or full of crap. Do you wait and see what happens, or do you follow the flow? Do you learn to navigate on your own or be led by a truth that is appearing on the horizon?
Finding Your Way is not about discovering “the solution” to your life. There is no panacea or remedy for your existence. Your heart, mind, body, and soul can’t be dismissed, they can’t not be included in your life. Relationships, money, time, sex, power, challenge, purpose, love will always be part of your life. It is futile to deny the aches of your reality. There are however specific strategies to learn – for your heart, mind, body, and soul – that will enliven, relax, and fulfill those aspects of your self that seem to be caught in struggle. The Wayfinder can provide these for you.
To be sure though, while The Wayfinder can provide what you need to Find Your Way, the most essential necessity to discovering your path is Living Your Way. Your own life is the way to your fulfillment, your freedom, your happiness, your truth, your love. You may not know the recipe but you do have the ingredients.
As always – it is your life. The only one you have.
When you are ready – The Wayfinder is here.