Dear Clients and Friends of James Baye,

It is with great sadness that we have to announce the sudden, accidental death of James Baye. For all inquiries, please email Michaela Boehm at Thank you.

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Monthly Archive for: ‘November, 2011’

The Self that Hurts


Zen master Genpo Roshi recently posted a blog post that speaks directly to what we do in coaching. As coaches, one of jobs is to provide the reasons that a client will start making new choices towards a new way of being. As Genpo points out – it is incredibly hard, almost impossible, to give up/let go of/move away from/make [...]

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Create a State


A “state” experience or “peak” experience is a particular condition that is felt for a specific period of time. A fleeting moment of phenomena that in some manner affects us. We are constantly moving through various states of experience and states of consciousness. To learn more about states in general, take a look at this free online presentation from Integral [...]

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